- Purpose. What reason does the blogger seem to have for continuing to update the blog, and what reason does the reader have for continuing to visit it? What topics are the focus of the blog?
- Point of view. Describe the author's perspective. What credibility does s/he seem to have on this topic? What attitude does the author take toward his/her topic, and toward his/her audience?
- Quality of presentation. How easy is it to navigate the site? What kind of content is included? How much does the blogger rely on content found elsewhere on the Internet? How often is other media (images, video, audio) included?
- What about this blog appeals to you? Why is this one of the blogs you'd be interested in reading on a regular basis?
Write about one blog at a time, providing the title, blogger's name, and url (the web address). Provide the above information in a clear format, single-spaced.